This is a monthly digest of all things important that happened in (crypto+good) for April. The month was dominated by network conferences and so a lot of the scoop below is on ecosystem players using crypto for social impact.
April Highlights👇
Central Africa Republic (CAR) made Bitcoin a legal tender. This is the second country after El Salvador that made Bitcoin their legal currency. CAR is the second least developed country in the world as per UN and only 10% of the population have access to internet. It’ll be interesting to see bitcoin’s rollout in a country with very few internet users.
At the Bitcoin 2022 Conference the panel on building bitcoin communities provided a glimpse on how Bitcoin is being used for economic and social empowerment of the underbanked.
Lightning Labs builds Taro protocol for fiat currency transfers to Bitcoin. The firm expects Taro to speed up use of Bitcoin payments and transfers among emerging markets.
The Ethereum blockchain public good creators and enthusiasts met at the Schelling Point conference in Amsterdam to learn about public good projects, Regenerative Finance (ReFi), Decentralized Science (DeSc), Impact DAOs and more. The link to the youtube playlist here
Celo blockchain conference took place in Barcelona. Celo is a purpose driven blockchain with the mission of prosperity for all. Their ecosystem is dominated by players building for social and environmental impact.
Regenerative Finance is the latest buzz in the crypto social good space.
A collective of NFT artists formed RELI3F to use NFTs to fundraise for humanitarian aid, they minted their second collection this month and raised $1.5M for Ukrainian aid efforts
Top 5 DAO Learnings
I dedicated April to learn about Impact DAOs and had conversations with many impact DAO Founders. Below are my key takeaways 👇
What’s in for May
For May my goal is to do a deep dive into crypto funding landscape for social good. I plan to look at a broad range of financing options. If you have any suggestions or thoughts leave a comment on my Substack or send a DM on Twitter.